Friday, April 28, 2017

State of the Circus - April 2017

State Of The Circus
by the Geek Behind The Curtain

We are a third of the way through the year.  The weather is getting warmer, the trees are budding, and flowers are blooming (unless you are reading this from the southern hemisphere, in which case prepare yourselves because winter is coming).  This is a perfect time to give a quick update on what's been happening this year and what is looming on the horizon.

C2E2... The Return!
One of the largest comic and entertainment conventions in the country returned to Chicago from April 21st through the 23rd.  Two years ago this was the big kickoff for AI Circus as a company and it was great to make our grand return to the convention this year.  The plyra once again towered above the booths giving everyone a chance to see our performers in the air as well as on the ground.  Even better, we were able to treat all con goers to a free show every day on the main floor in Family HQ (no fire codes were broken this time, we swear).  If you managed to snap a photo of us at the show, please feel free to share!

Indiana Comic Con
April was quite a busy month for us as we returned to ICC for a full show on April 15th.  The crowd last year was absolutely amazing and this year was no different.  A loud and energetic group of people enjoying themselves is just what our performers need to do their best work.  Our thanks to everyone who came out and stayed long after the show was over to snap photos with the group and get autographs.  

On a related note, we give ourselves a pat on the back for drawing a bigger crowd than the Charlie Cox panel just before our show.  Bigger than Daredevil!  

Oh, and on a related-related note, some of us (nearly literally) ran into Charlie Cox behind scenes as we were loading in. A fine and friendly gentleman who was very understanding of the giant cart-o-circus we were pulling along.

For those playing the "Stars AI Circus Has Met" game at home, Charlie Cox joins last year's favorite Elijah Wood.

T-Shirts!  Get your special T-shirts!
Expanding the types of shirts we offer has been an ongoing goal for the last year but we wanted to do it properly.  Properly, in this case, means hiring a designer to create something that features a few of our acts with appropriately amusing text.  All of this work paid off and you (yes, YOU) can get one or all of them right now.  Wear them with pride.  When you see someone else wearing one, you can share a knowing glance and/or the secret club handshake.

Adorn your upper body with the Supreme Being, our Pole Princess, or the Merc With a Mouth while you still can!

What's Up at the Uptown Underground
Our regular monthly home here in Chicago continues in 2017 featuring new performers, new acts, and the debut of Mr. Digit.  Our next show will be May 19th and I think it may be our best title yet: "Not All Heroes Wear Pants".  This is our tribute to our favorite female characters and will be the last show before we take our summer break.  Let us abandon the pants as we welcome the wonderful warmth of the next few months!

Grab your tickets now  so you can get the best seats in the house. 

Coming Soon....

 August 17-20.  We're all headed back to Indianapolis to be with our people and bringing the greatest show on infinite earths with us!  The event guides will be launching soon so roll a 20 on your initiative and get your tickets early!

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